Better Error Reasons

Dropping Work in Progress

SimpleCardBrand version 0.3.0 changes the :error reason from a String.t to a tuple: {:atom, String.t}. This allows simple programmatic decision making based off the atom along with detailed error messages. Example:

{:error, {:pan_too_short,"Minimum PAN length is 12, found 10."}}
{:error, {:pan_unknown,"Unknown card brand."}}
{:error, {:pan_too_long, "Maximum PAN length is 19, found 20."}}

Added a (NOT PCI COMPLIANT) command-line interface. Use only with test credit card account numbers.

$ ./simplecardbrand 4111111111111111
PAN: 4111111111111111 -> Brand: visa
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StreamData Property Testing

Parameterized tests

I was recently lamenting Elixir’s lack of Pytest-like parameterized testing (or at least my inability to find such).

I’d found several examples including ExUnit.Parameterized, but I could not find a solution that output the actual parameters from among hundreds that caused the failed assert.

Maciej Lukksepp ( responded that StreamData property testing should solve the problem, and provided a useful starting point.

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A SimpleCardBrand mix Project

Created a mix project.

Added guards to card_brand that check for String and Integer parameters then moved the single file into a mix project.

Every card brand has its own test file. The tests validate against the information on the Wikipedia page. Each brand is tested for documented prefix and account number length.

As suspected, there were a few lurking bugs which have now been corrected.

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Macros already?

The first code runs nicely as a Livebook (v0.10.0) page. It recognizes American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa payment card account numbers (PANs).

After being away from Elixir for a few weeks I thought it would take awhile to get back into the functional mindset, but I found it took less than an hour to start writing reasonable (I hope) code.

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I’ve selected a small Elixir project to write between wrapping up one Python project and starting on the next. The SimpleCardBrand project will return the bank-card type based on the first six digits in the card.

A quick search found packages that return more detailed information, but I didn’t find anything that ran without calling a web service.

I like this for a quick project as it can easily be done in a LiveBook and it primarily relies on function parameter pattern matching.

Let’s see where I am in a few days.

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