It takes awhile to get used to not seeing function return
Drives home the point that everything is an evaluation.
If you define an anonymous function within a module it must either be used or start with the underscore (
) character.defmodule Test do hello = fn -> "hello" end end warning: variable "hello" is unused...prefix it with an underscore
Declaring named functions with and without syntactic sugar. Chapter 6 tends to use without syntactic sugar for short functions.
# With syntactic sugar defmodule Ex do def double(n) do n * 2 end # Without syntactic sugar def treble(n), do: n * 3 end Ex.double 3 Ex.treble 3
Elixir pattern matching is depending on code order, runs from the top down.
I seem to have missed the discussion on how to handle list iteration. Had to look up how to split list into first/rest. (CAR/CDR anyone?)
def sumit([first | rest]), do: ...
I found the explanation of using a function head and default parameters confusing, but the
example is clarifying.Ranges are maps. There doesn’t seem to be a way to check that a map is specifically a range.
My solution to the Chopped exercise.
defmodule Chopped do def guesser(actual, guessed, _min, _max) when actual == guessed do IO.puts("Final Guess: #{guessed}\n\n") end def guesser(actual, guessed, min, max) when actual > guessed do IO.puts("Actual > guessed: #{actual} > #{guessed}") guessed = min + div(max - min, 2) + 1 min = Enum.min([guessed, actual]) IO.puts("guessed/min/max-> #{guessed}/#{min}/#{max}\n") guesser(actual, guessed, min, max) end def guesser(actual, guessed, min, max) when actual < guessed do IO.puts("Actual < guessed: #{actual} < #{guessed}") guessed = min + div(max - min, 2) + 1 max = Enum.max([guessed, actual]) IO.puts("guessed/min/max-> #{guessed}/#{min}/#{max}\n") guesser(actual, guessed, min, max) end def guess(actual, min..max) when is_integer(actual) and min == actual and max == actual do actual end def guess(actual, min..max) when is_integer(actual) and min <= actual and max >= actual do # Make max the first guess. IO.puts("First guess: #{max}") guesser(actual, max, min, max) end def guess(actual, min..max) when is_integer(actual) do IO.puts("#{actual} is not in the range #{min}..#{max}") end end Chopped.guess(10, 1..88)
Actual > guessed: 10 > 8 guessed/min/max-> 6/6/10 Actual > guessed: 10 > 6 guessed/min/max-> 9/9/10 Actual > guessed: 10 > 9 guessed/min/max-> 10/10/10 Final Guess: 10 :ok
All notes and comments are my own opinion. Follow me at