The GenServer handle_call
function returns state to the GenServer, which messages it back to the caller.
You can also spawn a worker process, return state to the GenServer instructing it not to message back to the caller, then send a message directly from the spawned worker function.
Example provided in the chapter:
def handle_call({:get, key}, caller, state) do
spawn(fn ->
data = case do
{:ok, contents} -> :erlang.binary_to_term(contents)
_ -> nil
GenServer.reply(caller, data)
{:noreply, state}
Notable Notes and Quotes
- Use the
function to implement a slow GenServer initialization process. - Downside: you won’t know if it succeeded.
- Tests are broken as they do not clear the ./persist/ directory between runs.
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Quotes are excerpts From Elixir in Action, Third Edition, Sasa Juric. All notes and comments are my own opinion. Follow me at